Make A Difference in Your Community with your Military Skills
Why be an instructor with Military Cadets?
There are a number of reasons why people volunteer their time within Military Cadets.
Here are just 10 quick reasons why ex and current serving ADF people join Military
Cadets. For more detailed responses see our staff video interviews below.
1. To pay forward life experiences to the next generation
2. We are run totally by ex serving ADF professions supported by parent volunteers.
3. To pass on our world-class ADF training and skills to kids to help them get ahead.
4. For mateship and cameraderie with fellow ex-service people.
5. To have fun with peers and the cadets.
6. To get away from work.
7. To bring your own family along and become part of a bigger second family.
8. To network with fellow staff members and parents, which opens up other opportunities.
9. To bring more meaning and purpose to our lives.
10. To be welcomed and thanked by cadets and parents when they see their child's
Becoming an instructor FAQ
What is the time commitment ?
Friday nights 1830 -2130 and one weekend camp through each school term. There is also a week long annual camp for all and a week-long promotion courses camp (optional based on need)
What does it cost to be an instructor ?
NOTHING your time is valued, and we can assist with attaining clothing and equipment etc. Any out of pocket expenses can be reimbursed.
What is the status of Military Cadets ?
Military Cadets Incorporated is a non profit organisation registered in the State of Queensland. We have a constitution and a committee where every instructor has a say in the running of the organisation.
Is Military Cadets insured ?
YES we have similar insurance to that of scout groups or sporting clubs.
What would my rank be on appointment ?
The structure is based on the Army rank system, and you would receive the same rank as you served with on discharge, or if you are currently serving you wear that same rank. Rank is by appointment of the committee and is based on what suits the needs of the organisation, and what overall skills you bring. Rank is only used in the presence of cadets, and otherwise all instructors are on a first name basis.
What do I need to do to join ?
Contact the unit OC in a location you want to attend, arrange an interview, bring your service records or certificate of service. We will check your service to ensure the integrity of the organisation. We will also provide you with a child protection blue card application. During this period you may attend training as a probationary period.
1MCU Sandgate/Bracken Ridge
Steven Laverty OC
1MCU Sandgate/Bracken Ridge
Unit Phone 0478960545
2MCU Military Cadets Rockhampton
Jim Petrie OC
2MCU Rockhampton
Grammar School
Unit Phone 0429393293